Store in a cool dry place at +5 °C to +25 °C. Protect packaging from punctures or piercings. Protect from frost. Do not keep on the ground. Do not store in direct sunlight.
It is recommended to carry out a small trial in an inconspicuous area or on off-cuts of paving prior to application.
Due to the nature of the product, some settling of the jointing material will occur in transit and storage. It is therefore essential to re-mix the dry material prior to use, to enable the jointing compound to cure consistently. Discard any small lumps and do not add extra sand to the dry material.
Use in small, manageable amounts and avoid spreading over a large area. Sweep the material into the joints, making sure each joint is completely filled.
If rain is expected prior to hardening, the surface must be protected to ensure a smooth finish.
Sweep up any excess material immediately as it can be difficult to remove once set.
Thoroughly soak the joints with a hose pipe set to spray or a watering can fitted with a rose. Do not use a pressure washer. Ensure joints are all fully saturated. Rinse excess material from the surface.
The finished surface is safe to walk upon immediately after activation, but ideally should be left to dry.
Drying will normally take 1 – 2 days although the time required for full cure is dependent upon temperature. At lower temperatures, the cure time will be slower. It will take up to 28 days to achieve full cure.
Clean tools immediately after use with warm soapy water.